Meet The Team

Randy Hutchins

PNW Outdoors & Motorsports Director

I grew up riding dirt bikes but gave them up when I went off to college to play basketball. Now after nearly 30 years of coaching high school basketball, and after 5 years as the Area Director for Central and Eastern Oregon FCA, God has drawn me back to motorsports as a platform to make disciples who make disciples. In the role of PNW (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska) Director of Motorsports. Through FCA’s ministry model of being used by God to connect peoples’ passions for their sport to their relationship with Him. My team seeks to be used by the Holy Spirit to connect to people with a passion for motorsports and disciple them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

Sami Stelpflug

Social Media & Website Coordinator

My love for the outdoors started young. I would always joke with my friends saying "I was raised by Boy Scouts". My dad was the troop leader and my brother went on to be an Eagle scout and I would get to tag along on all of their adventures. I was also raised in a family of swimmers and swam throughout college. It was in college that I heard the Gospel and began my relationship with God! I have loved working with college athletes, sharing the Gospel, discipling young women and more! I am so excited to use my love for creativity to serve God on the PNW Outdoors & Motorsports team!

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